third party funding; litigation finance; legal funding; law; funding arbitration; arbitrations; legal; lawyer; dispute resolution finance; dispute finance; financing disputes;

Profile Investment Insights – Beyond Achmea, enforcement of EU-court decisions abroad?

“With the recent ECJ’s Advocate General opinion on how Achmea might impact intra-EU disputes, doubts have emerged on how either local courts or a dedicated EU court might be satisfactory alternatives to arbitral tribunals.  These are valuable concerns of which there is no shortage of objections. However, there does not yet appear to be enough being made …

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Commercial Litigation

Profile Investment Insights – Seizing the third rail in third party funding

The third rail, is known as the live rail or electric rail and is a method of electric power to a railway locomotive or train.  It is in essence where all the power is.  It can move a locomotive or be a mortal blow if touched or handled incorrectly.   Most industries have a third rail …

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